Current Projects

During 2015 and early 2016, COMPPA has raised A training for community communicators oriented to strengthen and benefit the radios of the Mesoamerican Network of Community Radio, Indigenous, Garífuna and Feminists of Guatemala and Honduras, of which they are part. This process has been systematized in different steps, goals and objectives, emerged from the evaluations made by the participants during the trainings in 2014.
For 2015 we are working two distinct but complementary areas:

– Production Workshops: strengthening spaces consist of topics of interest for radios in four branches of training: Comunicación Popular Communication Tools, Internal Organization and Facilitation and Technical Aspects. It DSC_0073will work in a practical manner resulting in useful products and radio productions. In turn, facilitating and coordinating tools of the companions will be developed to further strengthen their multiplication skills.


Specific objectives:

  • Improve the quality of content on our radios strengthening our ability to produce and edit in different formats of radio production.
  • Strengthen links of our radios with our communities, increasing the impact, and involving participation of communities in our radios.
  • Visible to the Mesoamerican Network supporting the collective and collaborative work between our radios and Mesoamerican Network.
  • Increase the independence of our radios improving our technical capabilities using new tools and technologies for community communication.
  • Addressing the criminalization of our means to develop defense strategies, visibility and action.
  • Encourage debate on the defense of radio spectrum as a public good, increasing knowledge about our rights as comunitari Communicator @ s @ s.

– Women’s Network Meetings: consist of training and opportunities for analysis aimed at communicators women from community radios, where we will work in a practical way: Gender Equality and discrimination, Identity and Indigenous Peoples and the Right to coDSC_0805mmunication, always in an atmosphere of mutual support and solidarity. Each meeting will has as a result some joint productions by women and will serve to be broadcast on their radio stations, in addition to providing support for the growth of knowledge.


Specific objectives:

  • Radio support work already carried our colleagues in their organizations.
  • Improve the quality of the content of our radios and projects to improve production capabilities and voice editing in different formats.
  • Strengthen our capacity for analysis from a gender perspective and to increase knowledge about women’s rights.
  • Highlight and promote the participation of women in social organizations and in the spaces of decision knowing our rights as community communicators finding strategies against the criminalization of our radios and encouraging a debate on the defense of radio spectrum as a public good.
  • Improve our skills for the growth of knowledge through facilitation tools.